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MIICCIA Chamber of Commerce
Business Delegation of Indian Companies to Ethiopia
As follow -up of the Business Seminar in the Ethiopian Embassy on 20 Sept, 2023, Millennial India International Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture proposes to lead a business delegation of Indian companies to Ethiopia from February 21-24, 2024. The delegation will provide a platform to the visiting delegates to personally connect with the leading local business and top executives of the Ethiopian industry, ministers, Indian Ambassador, Commercial representative etc. The priority sectors in which the composition of the delegation will be are: Agriculture, Food-processing, Leather & leather products, Textile & garments, Horticulture, Sugar & related industry, Chemicals industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Cement industry, metal & engineering industry, construction, Mining & Oil and Hydropower. If any business person interested to join the delegation or any query related to visit of business delegation to Ethiopia may please contact Mr. Nitish Sharma( Additional Director ), Mobile +91-9650705051, email